Established in 2016, The Lyra Project is Pretoria’s first and only aerial hoop studio run  by internationally accredited instructors.

This inspiring discipline of aerial hoop originates from acrobatic circus arts. Fast forward to the present day, aerial hoop training has an extensive syllabus and a carefully tailored exercise regime, making it accessible to anyone interested in learning the skills – not just those who want to run away and join the circus!

The hoop itself is a large circular steel ring, suspended at least 1.5 metres from the floor, by a rope and a swivel. This apparatus provides the perfect frame for both floor-to-hoop and in-hoop aerial choreography. There are endless combinations of movements and transitions in, around and under the aerial hoop.

Aerial hoop may be the perfect union of bodyweight training and dance. It presents one of the most enjoyable ways to strengthen, tone up, lose weight, improve coordination and develop flexibility. Once one movement is mastered, you’ll be challenged with the next, leaving no chance for boredom or fitness plateau. In fact, you’ll be having so much fun during aerial hoop classes, you’ll hardly realise you are breaking a sweat, not to mention building muscle and burning calories!

For those interested in competing on the aerial hoop (aka Aerial Sports), you have come to the right place. The Lyra Project’s owner and head instructor, Alison, is also a certified IPSF head judge, who is experienced in performing and competing.