The Lyra Project and The Pole Studio South Africa are proud to present the 2021 Online Hoop and Pole Competition.

Competition date:
18th April 2021 via Zoom.

Entry deadline:
Entries due by 5th April 2021

Pole and Hoop Icon Workshop Information:
The Pole Studio South Africa and The Lyra Project are running category specific workshops that focus on all the moves for the Pole and Hoop Icon Competition. These workshops focus on competition technique and correct understanding of the criteria for each of the moves in each category of Hoop Icon. Different entries and exits to all of the moves are explored and common pitfalls which lead to point deduction will be shown and discussed.

Hoop Icon
Moves list and workshop dates:
Hoop Icon Workshop Information

To book your workshop please follow the link below:
Hoop Icon Booking Form

Pole Icon
Moves list ,workshop dates and workshop booking information:
Pole Icon Workshop Information

Entry forms:
If you would like to enter one of the categories in either of the competitions please follow the links below:

Pole Icon Online 2020

Hoop Icon Online 2020